2019 Reflections

As 2019 comes to a close, we enjoy looking back at some of the beauty and bounty of the year. Here’s to a great new year with lots of doses of wilderness and good food to feed all our souls! Happy 2020!

The start of another beautiful day for fishing. This summer the weather was so calm, warm, and mild - easy conditions for fishermen!

The start of another beautiful day for fishing. This summer the weather was so calm, warm, and mild - easy conditions for fishermen!

The first fish of the season was this lovely sockeye, bound for someone’s plate….

The first fish of the season was this lovely sockeye, bound for someone’s plate….

And this King salmon was bound for our stomachs…

And this King salmon was bound for our stomachs…

Mid-summer fireweed paints our hillsides in patches of magenta against the lush green. Amazing what colors exist in nature!

Mid-summer fireweed paints our hillsides in patches of magenta against the lush green. Amazing what colors exist in nature!

We keep adding to our solar panel collection. Here is a calm fall sunrise lighting up the array.

We keep adding to our solar panel collection. Here is a calm fall sunrise lighting up the array.

Our savory smoked salmon is a hit at the gatherings and as food for our adventures.

Our savory smoked salmon is a hit at the gatherings and as food for our adventures.

Another late summer adventure - this time up the Uganik Alps, 3000 feet of intense bushwhacking straight up from sea level. The view is totally worth all the scratches and scrapes and sore muscles! Sally Island below us.

Another late summer adventure - this time up the Uganik Alps, 3000 feet of intense bushwhacking straight up from sea level. The view is totally worth all the scratches and scrapes and sore muscles! Sally Island below us.

As summer wanes the fireweed morphs into a different beauty, their leaves burnished shades of red, our version of fall colors.  Here they are bursting their fluffy top into a rising sun @ Broken Point.

As summer wanes the fireweed morphs into a different beauty, their leaves burnished shades of red, our version of fall colors. Here they are bursting their fluffy top into a rising sun @ Broken Point.

The final sockeye fillets of the season went into our canner to stock our pantry for the winter ahead.

The final sockeye fillets of the season went into our canner to stock our pantry for the winter ahead.

Growing our own food satisfies a deep urge in us. Our tomatoes did really well this summer! Here they are in their final ripening stage in fall.

Growing our own food satisfies a deep urge in us. Our tomatoes did really well this summer! Here they are in their final ripening stage in fall.

This fall was also our first apple harvest from our very own trees from within the greenhouse in the righthand side of the picture. Williams Pride is the variety.

This fall was also our first apple harvest from our very own trees from within the greenhouse in the righthand side of the picture. Williams Pride is the variety.

Foraging also feeds our souls. Morels were fun to find and share with neighbors this year.

Foraging also feeds our souls. Morels were fun to find and share with neighbors this year.

October hikes in the quiet, golden landscape are one of our favorite activities. Here’s the view at Cape Uganik on a calm day.

October hikes in the quiet, golden landscape are one of our favorite activities. Here’s the view at Cape Uganik on a calm day.

Here’s a inner Uganik Bay full moon. Happy New Year, Everyone!

Here’s a inner Uganik Bay full moon. Happy New Year, Everyone!

Adelia Myrick