The Seven Wonders of our Sustainable Salmon
How does one quantify how sustainable one’s salmon is? It’s hard to measure, but we truly believe the salmon we hand-harvest from the swirling waters of the North Pacific deserve the superlative label as the most sustainable around.
It’s not just a marketing phrase of meaningless words designed to impress, oh no! Meet the Seven Wonders of our Sustainable Salmon!
1. Alaska Salmon are the Gold Standard. They are managed for biological sustainability in perpetuity - according to the State constitution - and come with certifications to prove it. Learn more here.
2. They’re wild & free! Farmed salmon is not legal in Alaska - thank you to our great state! They grow bright red and beautiful due to the clean water and zooplankton they consume. They take no inputs, feeds, dyes, antibiotics or growth hormones. Watch the video here.
3. Kodiak is the leader in green energy for Alaska. Almost 100% by renewable wind and water energy powers our salmon processing plants and the port of Kodiak. Our home is also powered by solar and wind.
4. Fish scraps don’t go to waste! The Kodiak Fishmeal Plant turns fish scraps from the processing plants into oils, meals, and fertilizer.
5. The habitat on Kodiak Island is pristine and protected, creating ecological sustainability for our salmon which spawn and rear in these rivers. Our island is made of 1.9 million acres of protected, completely undeveloped, National Wildlife Refuge lands.
6. Personally, we fish a very small-scale operation which means a tiny footprint. Anchored in place, we don’t aggressively scour the seas, but rather celebrate as salmon come to us, all while living completely off-grid and solar-powered lives! Here’s what we do.
7. We actively scrub our ocean through our kelp farm and are part of the Kelp Climate Fund, which values the ecosystem services our farm provides. See more here. It feels so great to be doing more than just paying lip service to the environment.