Valentine Salmon Soup
In the spirit of giving, to each other and to our bodies, we have a soul warming recipe that we’re calling Valentine Salmon Soup, a variation of Hungarian Salmon Soup, a recipe found in many old Alaska cookbooks.
Since we owe our union to these fish that brought us together in the first place -
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Thai Curry Salmon With Coconut Milk and Veggies
A Myrick family favorite, warming and creamy, with coconut milk and mild Thai curry paste. Yum!
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The Crab Report
Leaving port at noon after a 24 hour weather delay of the start of the fishery due to gale warnings, we headed out in a swell that only increased the closer we got to Cape Chiniak and the open Gulf of Alaska. The Miss Linda, 68 feet of steel built for crabbing in ‘74, rolled in the waves, spray shooting across …..
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Preparing for Crab
Clouds meet sea today, shrouding our island, blurring the spruce trees to smudges, and imperceptibly blending into ocean at the horizon. It is an easterly wind that brings this overcast drizzly day and that piles up the waves sweeping in to our coastline from the wide-open Gulf of Alaska. As we ready for Tanner crab fishing in a couple of days……
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