What made us happy in 2022

Wild wintery winds from the northeast, northwest, and southwest coupled with the few daylight hours we time of year have kept us shorebound and homebound the last week, happily so. Though we look forward to eventually getting to “town” to celebrate New Year with family and friends, and for the crab season, this extra home time feels like a gift. We’ve been thinking back on the past year and have compiled a gallery of some of our high points of 2022. Here’s to more happiness, joy, health and peace for all in the New Year!

  1. Always top on our list: Experiencing the wild beauty of our home islands together!

  2. Winter wonderland hikes or snowshoe treks - gotta love being in Alaska!

  3. Our late winter trip south to Arizona and Southern CA brought some much-appreciated sunshine into our beings.

  4. After a year of off-and-on construction and lots of head-scratching, we finished the exterior of the shop, using beams we beach-combed and beach logs for posts that we chainsaw milled. A quantifiable satisfaction if there ever was one!

  5. The lead up to our second year of a big plum harvest - what a delight to be awash in fresh super juicy plums from our own greenhouse!

  6. Farming kelp is so interesting and rewarding. We made the cover of World Aquaculture, attended a great mariculture conference in Juneau AK, and joined Greenwave’s Kelp Climate Fund.

  7. Catching the first fish of the year never fails to raise goosebumps of anticipation.

  8. Our dog Vali is always our joy. Need we say more? Ok, maybe we do. In that case, here’s more of him on some of these pages for those who can’t get enough!

  9. Our dynamic and fun salmon fishing crew and neighbors (especially at the “reduce, reuse, recycle” - themed gathering) make our fishing community unique and so important to us! (In case we’re incognito in our outfits, we are the 2 in the middle of the photo).

  10. Catching lots of fish in the peak of the season, feeling our muscles build, and all that we have organized our lives around come to fruition may be the most gratifying feeling at all.

  11. Perhaps the best apple we have ever had, homegrown! Looking forward to our future of many apples from our 40+ apple trees.

  12. Making deliveries! A big thank you to my (Tollef’s) hometown and for the weather gods to play nice for me in November! From our nets to full boxes being delivered in our hands, such a rewarding feeling! The photo was taken at my parents’ house.

  13. While Tollef had Minneapolis family time Adelia had the same in Kodiak, and inspired 3 family members to join in the Turkey trot, for all of them their first ever “race!” We celebrate our families for supporting and encouraging us!

  14. December’s Cold Moon as seen from our house - an amazing welcome home after our November forays out and about.

  15. Our annual Christmas tree cutting mission, across the bay and overlooking Uganik Island.

  16. The surprise gift of Christmas at home this year, what a cozy way to wrap up the year.

Adelia Myrick