Always Wild, Never GMO!

The FDA has recently allowed genetically modified farmed salmon to be imported into the U.S. Hmmmm…..regardless of your stance on GMO food (or bioengineered, as the term may be), it is hard for us to envision these fish as anywhere near the same as our wild salmon, growing as nature intended

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Adelia Myrick
Women of Salmon

Happy International Women’s Day! Here’s a little slideshow honoring the women of salmon in my life, who inspire me and teach me about the power of women and what we can do. We run our own fishing sites, getting just as slimy as anyone else…..

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Adelia Myrick
From Wildlands to Hearth

Humming in the guy wires that stabilize our wind turbine, the southwest gale today is coldly insidious. It seeps in any less insulated seam or crack in the siding and up through the floor. Slippers are a good thing! But the best of all is our cast iron woodstove, come to our little Uganik Bay home all the way from spending 40 years with Tollef’s grandparents in northern Minnesota. Traveling by truck, barge, fishing boat, 4-wheeler, then….

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Adelia Myrick